Author: dchaves
Transnational Forum Corporatism – Romania and Portugal
Overview Corporatism was a defining economic and social ideology of the European interwar, building on political ideas with a long history, from antiquity to medieval Catholicism and Christian democracy. It defines society by directly referencing organicist metaphors that have to do with functions of integration and function of certain groups in society. Consequently, it sees…
Transnational Forum Roma Resistance and Memory – Finland and Romania
Overview The Finland-Romania shared event has focused on the manner in which collective memory of violence in the past can be leveraged into histories of resistance for the communities in these countries. The event, which was held in November 2024 in Bucharest, placed significant emphasis on the pivotal role of historical memory in fostering a…
Transnational Forum Colonialism and Peripheries – Finland and Romania
Overview The transnational forum shared between Finland and Romania examined the manner in which the concept of colonialism has been employed as a rhetorical device in the context of right-wing ideologies, as well as its function as a narrative of reference. It facilitated discussions on shared histories, and specifically how the notion of colonialism plays…
Memory Forum 1 – Spain
Spanish Civil War Overview In Spain, the “Women, repression and civil war” roundtable was presented by Agnes Rosell from NOVACT with Anna Miñarro, Sònia Olivella, and Gemma Pasqual at La Fede (the Catalan NGO federation) on September 13th 2024. Clinical psychologist Anna Miñarro, who is the Co-Director of the first research project in the Spanish…
Memory Forum 3 – Romania
Jewish Resistance Overview The forum on Jewish Memory Resistance happened in Cluj, on June 28th, as a collaboration between PATRIR and MUZEON. The scope of the event had to do with the types and ways of resistance of the Jewish community during the Second World War. This was chosen as a relevant topic for the…
Report 3 – Portugal
Report on Heritage Practices Concerning Far-Right Movements Introduction Should they stay or should they go?, asked a columnist in a 2020 article in The Economist, as statues around the world were vandalised and torn down for representing figures whose legacies, in light of the emergent post-colonial consciousness, had become problematic. These actions, carried out mainly…
International Congress – Portugal
Memory, Legacy and Presence in the Public and Media space. Historical fascism and the radical right in the 20th and 21st Centuries
International conferences – Finland
20th of November: Approaches, Methods and Challenges of Contemporary Anti-Racism Education On 20 November 2024, Rauhankasvatusinttituutti ry (RKI) organised a workshop and a public discussion titled “Approaches, Methods and Challenges of Contemporary Anti-Racism Education”, which took place at Globaalikeskus in Helsinki, Finland. Beginning at 3pm and lasting until 5pm, the event amassed an audience of…
Exhibition – Finland
188-Kukkavirta Memorial On 18 August 2017, the northern country of Finland made headlines in the international news media, when a Moroccan asylum seeker proceeded to stab 10 people in Turku, Finland. The attack took place in the late afternoon, which killed two and injured eight more before the police arrived at the scene and detained…
Report 4 – Portugal
Can the teaching of History prevent the rise of the far-right? “Open letter asks for the prohibition of the far-right demonstration in Lisbon” (“Público”, 24-01-2024: 16) “Germany makes a strong stand against AfD: 1.5 million participated in protests” (Público, 23-01-2024: 23) “Nationalism threatens Europe once again” (Público, 26-11-2023: 9) “Neonazi youth network created cells in…