Category: Portugal

  • Transnational Forum Corporatism – Romania and Portugal

    Overview Corporatism was a defining economic and social ideology of the European interwar, building on political ideas with a long history, from antiquity to medieval Catholicism and Christian democracy. It defines society by directly referencing organicist metaphors that have to do with functions of integration and function of certain groups in society. Consequently, it sees…

  • Report 3 – Portugal

    Report on Heritage Practices Concerning Far-Right Movements Introduction Should they stay or should they go?, asked a columnist in a 2020 article in The Economist, as statues around the world were vandalised and torn down for representing figures whose legacies, in light of the emergent post-colonial consciousness, had become problematic. These actions, carried out mainly…

  • International Congress – Portugal

    Memory, Legacy and Presence in the Public and Media space. Historical fascism and the radical right in the 20th and 21st Centuries

  • Report 4 – Portugal

    Can the teaching of History prevent the rise of the far-right? “Open letter asks for the prohibition of the far-right demonstration in Lisbon”  (“Público”, 24-01-2024: 16) “Germany makes a strong stand against AfD: 1.5 million participated in protests”  (Público, 23-01-2024: 23) “Nationalism threatens Europe once again”  (Público, 26-11-2023: 9) “Neonazi youth network created cells in…

  • Exhibition – Portugal

    Overview SolRem’s exhibition aimed to trace the evolution of the Portuguese far-right, from the times of the Portuguese dictatorship Estado Novo to the present day. In this sense, the exhibition addressed relevant themes, according to the two different time periods.  With this, the exhibition explored the dynamics associated with the resistance to the dictatorship, as…

  • Transnational Memory Forum Anti-Fascist Resistance – Portugal and Italy

    Overview SolRem’s memory forums aim to educate and raise awareness about the history of resistance and solidarity against right-wing authoritarianism and dictatorships. This transnational memory forum focused on the anti-fascist resistance, in Portugal and Italy. There was a specific focus on the position of cinema as resistance to fascism before and after the Portuguese Revolution…

  • Transnational Memory Forum on Antifascist Resistance and Anticolonialism – Italy and Portugal

    10th of May 2024 Agenda Francesca Morganella, CEIPES –  SOLREM project presentation Maria Letizia Colajanni, ANPI Palermo –  Italian women Resistance Renato Franzitta, COBAS – Workers‘ and students’ struggles and the new Resistance to Fascism Bruno Madeira, CITCEM, Lisbon – Portuguese Resistance and Corporatism in Portugal  Coffee break Q&A Report On the 10th of May…

  • Workshop Narratives of the Far-Right Today – Portugal

    27th of February 2024 Overview SolRem’s workshop on “Narratives of the Far-Right Today” sought to raise awareness among young participants regarding the significance of remaining informed and vigilant concerning far-right narratives and disinformation spread across social media.  Approximately 20 individuals participated in the workshop, actively engaging in debates and discussions concerning the implications of far-right…

  • Memory Today I&II – Portugal

    Overview The Memory Today I and II Workshops primary objective was the dissemination of the results from the first  two reports of the project SolRem: (1) Attitudes towards the collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives; (2) Collective memory practices concerning the right-wing.  In these workshops, there was a…

  • Memory Forum 4 – Portugal

    Women’s Solidarity Networks Overview SolRem’s memory forums aim to educate and raise awareness about the history of resistance and solidarity against right-wing authoritarianism and dictatorships. This memory forum focused on solidarity networks created by women to support each other during the times of Estado Novo, and also on the reality of today’s society. The different…