Category: Research
Report 1 – Spain
Report attitudes towards collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in the target countries Introduction: Second Republic, Civil War, Francoism and Transition to democracy Spain’s right-wing position on historical memory can’t be understood without the events that took place in this territory from 1931 until 1978…
Report 1 – Romania
Report attitudes towards collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in the target countries The long history of the far-right: recent debates in memory politics. Introduction Far-right movements in Romania began emerging, as everywhere else in central and Eastern Europe, as an afterthought of the European…
Report 1 – Portugal
Report attitudes towards collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in the target countries Introduction During the first two decades of the 21st century, Portugal represented an exception to European rule. Contrary to the post-fascist wave that swept the continent and achieved significant electoral results, the…
Report 1 – Italy
Report attitudes towards collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in the target countries Introduction The report about attitudes towards the collective memory of resistance against far right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in Italy traces the history of the far-right…
Report 1 – Finland
Report attitudes towards collective memory of resistance against far-right regimes, groups or practices and specific narratives in collective memory in the target countries LOVIISA SOINI, RKI Introduction: Historical Context The cultural and political history of Finland can be said to be inevitably linked to its proximity to Russia. The establishment of the Soviet regime had…