Author: dchaves
Memory Forum 2 – Italy
Anti- Fascist Resistance 29th of April 2024 Agenda Report CEIPES ETS conducted the Memory Forum on Antifascist Resistance on April 29, 2024. This significant event, part of Work Package 2 (WP2), Deliverable 2.3, was held at Cinema Vittorio De Seta, located via Paolo Gili 4, 90134, Palermo, and spanned from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM. …
Memory Forum 2 – Finland
Anti-Fascist Resistance Overview Rauhankasvatusinttituutti ry (RKI) organised the Memory Forum (2) titled Anti-fascist Resistance in Finland on 18th of April, 2024, presented by Robert Trygg, Assisting Coordinator in the SolRem project at RKI. The event began at 10.15 and lasted until 12.15. The audience consisted of eleven teachers working for international schools whom RKI has…
Community Workshop: Transnational narratives in colonial Italy
13th of November 2023. Overview The Community Workshop on Italian colonialism engaged two high school classes attending the last year of the oldest grammar high school of Palermo, ‘Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele II’. The agenda of the event was the following: Speakers: Francesca Morganella Alessia Gambino Sefora Giaimo The activity was divided in three different…
Community Workshop: Transnational narrative (Corporatism) Portugal
SolRem’s Community Workshops aims to educate and raise awareness about the history of resistance and solidarity against right-wing authoritarianism and dictatorships. This community workshop This community workshop focused on the conception, implementation and characteristics of Portuguese corporatism during the Estado Novo. The different approaches brought by the two speakers created the opportunity to provide a…
Community Workshop: Ethnicities in conflict – Finland
Konfliktit ja niiden kanssa työskentely dialogisesti nuorisotyössä 21.-22.2.2024 Globaalikeskus, Helsinki, Finland Contents: Dialogue as an approach and a tool to analyse tensions and conflicts in society and work to transform them Agenda of the event: Wednesday 21.2.2024 9-13 am: Dialogic work with complex issues and expert input from Bernard Le Roux Lunch 14.00 – 17.00:…
Community Workshop – Antifascism Spain
BARCELONA, 14 NOVEMBER 2023 Overview On November 14, 2023, a community workshop on ANTIFASCISM about Nou Barris district was held in the Barcelona together with 17 people who were part of civil society organisations. It was chosen to hold a workshop in this district because it has been one of the two areas where the…
Report 4 – Finland
Teaching and Curricula on the Far-Right Introduction When history teachers across Finland convened for the first time in 1935, more than 17 years after the Finnish Civil War, the problem of mono-perspectivity in Finnish history education was never acknowledged as such. Rather, the guidelines for teaching history at the time were rooted in the nationalist…
Report 3 – Italy
Report on heritage practices concerning far-right movements Introduction This research is based on the analysis of Italian places and monuments as symbols of celebration of the fascist regime and built mostly under the regime: it will also provide an overview on Italian far-right movements’ narratives on these heritage, along with the use of this latter…
Report 3 – Finland
Report on heritage practices concerning far-right movements Introduction Historically, memory has been an important political resource for various far-right groups both in and outside Europe because of its perceived value as a source of motivation for political action1. As suggested by a growing body of academic work, this is still the case today: far-right political…
Report 2 – Romania
Report on collective memory practices concerning the right-wing A Restrictive History Introduction In 2020, the unexpected triumph of the new AUR Party (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) in the Parliamentary elections in Romania triggered controversies. This is a nationalist organisation that often uses far-right notions of exclusion and purity46 and their sudden ascent triggered…