Konfliktit ja niiden kanssa työskentely dialogisesti nuorisotyössä
Globaalikeskus, Helsinki, Finland
Contents: Dialogue as an approach and a tool to analyse tensions and conflicts in society and work to transform them
Agenda of the event:
Wednesday 21.2.2024
9-13 am: Dialogic work with complex issues and expert input from Bernard Le Roux
14.00 – 17.00: Practical workshop on skills and tools for facilitating tension and conflict in groups
Thursday 22.2.2024
9-11 am: Dialogic working on ethnic conflicts facilitated by Bernard Le Roux
11 am – 1 pm Dialogic mindset group work and practise
2 -5 pm Dialogue: how do we move together towards collaboration
Overview of the event:

Ethnicities in conflict was a two-day event which tackled the current tensions in our society and the role of dialogue in addressing them in sustainable manner. The participants were 17 professionals with different background. They all work with marginalised youth in their communities.
A key observation made was that most ethnic conflicts tend to escalate over time if ignored. As individuals or groups feel increasingly marginalised, excluded, ignored or not taken seriously, the level of tension rises significantly. Importantly, it was emphasised that conflict, if understood and properly managed, can serve as a catalyst for positive change and transformation. Participants shared best practises and discussed various strategies for transforming conflict, focusing on the need for inclusive dialogue, empathetic engagement, and systemic change to transform conflicts related to ethnicity. The consensus was that addressing the issues and working together is a key forward.
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